The eternal feminine is what gives self-development a specific poetry, magic, transfiguration and mystery.
Only for our NATHA-members
When a woman affirms and embraces her role as a woman, when she possesses the art of being a woman - she awakens the shakti state. She is in communion with the Eternal Feminine.
"If a practitioner of the yoga system could understand a woman's soul, because of his perfect identification with it, he would be able to understand the world in this way, together with all the occult forces behind it and he would also find the Eternal Source that is beyond this world."
The feminine is not connected to nature only symbolically. More than that, the feminine is the (usually unknown) observer of nature's secrets and is at the same time the altar that exists freely in its essence.
Woman is at the same time the giver and nourisher of life, and she embodies the reality of the realized human nature. She has exercised this sacred mission since the dawn of history, when she "conspired" with nature.
Honour guest
Nicoletta, from our sister school in Barcelona Spain - will share with us from her experience as a shakti group coordinator.
– What is the fascinating and mysterious feminine that demands nothing, without being awakened and blossoming properly in all of us?
This mysterious and fascinating feminine is the acceptance that constitutes the light of the Spirit in the painful substance of the World.
This mysterious and fascinating feminine feeds everything, without interruption and without expecting anything in return, with the essence of life.
This mysterious and fascinating feminine is the one who gives transcendence its immanence.
This mysterious and fascinating feminine is our inner, mysterious experience.