Yoga in English


On request.

Booking is required


Yoga is much more than stretching. It's lifelong learning, a journey towards inner harmony, joy, and perfection!


Yoga at ANANDA Yoga Karlskrona is centered on personal development and provides methods for:

  • Stress management and relaxation

  • Health and detox methods

  • Joy and well-being

  • Increased creativity and willpower

  • Deeper insight into the world of emotions - Learn to open your heart

  • Increased mental concentration, focus, and mental peace

  • Insight into the deepest mysteries of life

Yoga in English at NATHA Yoga Center Karlskrona

You do not need any previous knowledge - Yoga at ANANDA is for everyone - old and young, regardless of your previous experience or flexibility.

Yoga meets you where you are in life, physically, emotionally, and mentally, and helps you raise your inner potential.


What does a yoga class look like?


Yoga class consists of physical and mental training.

The practical part is never the same but varies from time to time as you learn new techniques. It usually consists of warming up exercises, asanas (yoga poses), breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation.


Teacher skills:


The competent yoga teachers have become teachers after a 5-years education, which corresponds to university level.

As a teacher of yoga, we have a great responsibility for our students, and therefore we maintain a high standard of teacher's skills and further development.


What does the yoga class look like?


As something unique in ANANDA Yoga, new techniques and methods are given at each lesson.

Thus, as a student at ANANDA Yoga Karlskrona, you will be able to quickly and continuously build up an in-depth understanding of health, personal development, and spirituality.



  • 120kr

  • 550kr

  • 950kr

  • students at Hyper Island

Bank transfer: 5079 - 7620 or Swish: 1233681459


“You opened new horizons for my inner world I didn't know existed. Thank you for the depth of the knowledge you provide.”

- Haley Mah